Re: Stallman and enable-local-variables

Kenneth Kron - Network Security (Kenneth.Kron@EBay.Sun.COM)
Tue, 13 Dec 1994 13:40:01 -0800

Excuse me.  I'd just like to point out.

It's free.  Source is included.

The idea is if you don't like it modify it.  If you have a bug/rfe send
it to the author/distributor.  If you have a patch distribute it.
That's the "price" you pay for free software.  If you use it without
reviewing it, you're getting what you paid for.

I fully support the right of an other to produce exactly what he/she
wants.  Those who don't appreciate the product need not accept it.

This is now very far off the bugtraq charter.  If you'd like to
continue this discussion you can flame me in a private email :^).

Kenneth Kron --  Network Security Group

> From Tue Dec 13 13:21 PST 1994
> From: Timothy Newsham <>
> Subject: Re: Stallman and enable-local-variables in bugtraq-digest V1 #64
> To: (Mitch Wright)
> Cc:,
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
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> > 
> > /* writes: */
> > 
> > >rms has said to me in mail that he "doesn't like security".
> > >Would that I (and others) had that luxury.
> > >
> > Just because someone doesn't "like" something, doesn't mean they don't
> > understand the need for it.  It's a shame anyone *has* to deal with it
> > at all.  I'd much rather *not have* to type a password when su'ing, but
> > the consequences of a password-less root are obvious.  I don't like having
> > to take the extra time to do it, but the alternative is even less appealing.
> Its the mission of the FSF to wedge the philosophies of RMS upon
> everyone.  This is accomplished through writing free software which
> becomes a defacto standard with dependancies on other free software
> which must become a defecto standard.  I'm not saying they dont do
> a good job,  but disreguarding other people's need for security
> just because RMS thinks society should be free and open is evil.
> >   ~mitch